Can you conquer the Kettlebell Challenge?
10,000 Kettlebell Swings in 4-5 Weeks Brock D. Vickers After being in lockdown for God knows how long, people turned to the most efficient tool on the rack to get fit: the kettlebell. Try going to your local sporting goods store or ordering one of these 16 kg cast iron bad boys, and you will […]
4 years ago
Our New Location Takes Us to the Next Level
With the opening of our brand new, state-of-the-art facility, Level 1 Fitness is Taking It to The Next Level! Our new location is in the National Old City Apartments building on 111 North 2nd Street. The facility is designed with our community in mind. For those of you who have known us over the years, […]
6 years ago
How To Maximize Your Workouts
You’re working hard to make fitness a priority in your busy schedule. When you’re investing time and effort into your fitness, make sure you are maximizing your workouts for optimal results. Body Awareness During the day, try to become aware of simple things you can be doing to improve your time spent training. For example, […]
7 years ago
Health Benefits of Building Muscle
Whether you are a man or a woman you will know the importance of regular exercise. The importance of any form of regular physical activity has been widely studied and well proven over the last 30 years. People generally have become more aware of the importance of taking care of ones health, resulting in an increase […]
7 years ago
Want To Stay Lean And Healthy? Listen To Your Mom!
When you were a kid, how many times did your mother tell you she’d slaved over a hot stove for hours and that the least you could do was “slow down and enjoy your food”. You thought she was just being a nag. Turns out she knew what medical researchers are only now learning: Eating […]
8 years ago
Lose 10 to 20 Pounds of Stubborn Fat Fast
Below are 5 strategies which are fairly easy to implement, they will definitely help you to reach your goal to get rid of that last ten or twenty pounds of fat.
8 years ago
How to Beat Carbohydrate Addiction
Our bodies are designed to be attracted to all carbs because they are our premium octane fuel that is used for all brain function. The problem is that when we start eating highly processed carbs we’re sliding down a slippery slope
8 years ago
Turmeric Tomato Detox Soup Recipe
This turmeric tomato detox soup recipe will help get your body on the right track, whether you have been kicking your workouts butt or needing an extra push.
8 years ago
Pumpkin Pie Parfait Recipe
Not only is this Pumpkin Pie Parfait recipe seasonally appropriate and suspiciously decadent, it packs an antibiotic punch as pumpkin is a superfood in disguise!
8 years ago
How Many Apple Turnovers Can I Eat In One Day And Still Lose Weight?
I have a fascinating post for you today, folks! I will be illustrating some weight loss fundamentals through the real question, “How many apple turnovers can I eat in one day and still lose weight?”
8 years ago